Friday, September 26, 2008


i want need a "big chill" fridge. i don't mind that it's not real vintage. i don't mind that rachel ray has one in her fake tv kitchen. i don't mind that it costs $3000 (what is the going price for a boring refrigerator?) just LOOK at these colors!
don't even get me started on the matching stoves and dishwashers.....

Thursday, September 18, 2008

new role model

kerri smith.

her website is OVERFLOWING with goodies like this:

and this:
and she's written some books
and keeps up her blog
oh and she's an illustrator too.

spend an hour exploring her website, seriously. you won't be disappointed. i especially like the printable artist's survival kit and permission cards.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

i love a good collage

i never got into the scrapbooking craze, and i'm glad i didn't because i could never produce anything as cool as the ladies in the red velvet kit club. i'd love to become a member just to get my hands on their monthly kits of cute papery goodness.

electric blue is out


just thought I would note.

forever a fave

5th grade ps22 chorus sings tori amos' "flying dutchman"

creme de la... yeah ok i won't say it

creme design company is my latest MUSE. if there was a color heaven, they'd be going!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

heeeere we go!

i realize i've been certainly has a way of getting between me and cute things. but now i'm back and better than ever.

illustrator linzie hunter has produced a series of prints based on the subject lines from spam emails. most are humorous, some are surprisingly inspirational!

buy her prints at thumbtack press (a great site for wasting/investing time in its own right)

makes ME even want to cook

Jessie Steel's vintage aprons:

Feelin it!

Saturday, September 6, 2008



I'm gonna be there, and you should too! Opening of fredflare's "Store Cute" in Brooklyn!!!! Love it!!!!!!!