Sunday, July 27, 2008

I think you know what I'm about to say

Before this movie, my mood (out of 10) was a 7. Mostly that high b/c I was about to see this movie, haha. After the movie.... oh, you know, I was at like a 25. Now don't get me wrong, the movie was RIDICULOUS. Like, laugh out loud funny at some of the awfulness. But beyond all of that, I mean come on. Ridiculousness. ABBA songs. Bad love story. The most beautiful movie setting I have EVER SEEN (Greece). Yeah, that makes for a pretty cute and dare I say AWESOME movie.

If you do see it, I warn you in advance: you will have the urge to break into song and dance, which my friends and I appropriately did as we exited the theatre.

Mamma mia.... here I go again....

1 comment:

Molly said...

i must see this asap. i kinda wish we had made it to the drive-thru so that we could have gotten out and danced during the movie. but at the same time i'm glad we didn't because we would have inevitably gotten shot.